Messages from Thomas: Raising Psychic Children - James F. Twyman
Findhorn Press (2003)
In verzameling

Self-realization - Miscellanea

Product Description
Through Thomas, a psychic child, the author shares his insights on how to raise a child that exhibits psychic abilities.

About the Author
James F. Twyman is an internationally renowned author and musician who travels the world performing "The Peace Concert" in some of the greatest areas of violence and discord. Known as the "Peace Troubadour," he has been invited by government officials and humanitarian organizations to perform in countries like Iraq, Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo, Israel, East Timor and Mexico, as well as the United Nations in New York. He blends his unique style of music with his international reputation for drawing millions of people together in prayer to influence the process of peace in countries torn apart by hatred and war.

Product Gegevens
Medium Paperback
Omslag Prijs € 13,95
Aantal pagina's 224
Persoonlijke Gegevens
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