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META magazine is constantly reviewing and looking for usable quality resources. Take a look at these high featured books:

The Power of Positive Thinking Inside the cover you will start on a journey to personal, emotional, and financial freedom with a system that isn't lacking any key pieces of information.

This is a complete system and is going to take you from day one, all the way to your success without leaving gaps in-between.

Here's just a few of the awesome tactics you're going to master quickly...

Why you should never use positive thinking they way you've been taught in the past!

bulletHow to plant seeds that blossom into amazing successes every time!
bulletHow to predict success before you start working on a project! 
bulletSecret ways to give yourself huge boosts in motivation & confidence in 3 seconds or less! 
bulletExactly why most other self improvement courses fail to perform and how you can avoid failure forever! 
bulletHow to fast track projects like never before (you'll learn how to pump out a 2 month project in just a week or two through insider action techniques).
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 META Magazine © 2002-2008 Toine Fennis, info@metamagazine.com | project: META-magazine research;  last update: 15/11/08